Friday, October 1, 2010

Animals, Domesticated (6)

These pictures are the property of Tom Neuhaus. You may use each as displayed on this site for free; please attribute the source (Tom Neuhaus, Project Hope and Fairness). For higher resolution, you can purchase the original for $5. To do this, visit and click the Donate button. Donate $5 per picture and then email me ( what pictures you want and I will send them back to you. Thank you in advance for donating cocoa farming tools to West African cocoa farmers by purchasing a picture.

Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from , Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit Splash Cafe. Splash Cafe and its sister business, Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and make the trips possible.


Animals are an important part of the West African diet. It is very hard for a vegan or vegetarian Westerner to be happy here, because of the heavy reliance on animal protein. Dishes that can be safely enjoyed by a vegetarian/vegan are: red-red (a Ghanaian specialty made of cowpeas or blackeyed peas cooked with toasted onion and palm oil, boiled or fried plantains, boiled or fried African yams, aloko (ripe plantains fried in palm oil--delicious!), and Palaver sauce (greens cut small and cooked into a sauce for fish).

Domesticated or raised animals are important to the environment, as they reduce the pressure on consumption of "bush" meat, or wild meat. Lamb and goat are very important with Muslims and are often grilled and served on the street. Chickens run all over the villages.


1) P8220098_med.jpg
Domesticated goats in Galebre, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

2) IMG_4386.jpg
Goat rides in our car--from Issia all the way back to Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 2008.

3) IMG_4059.jpg
Goat shed with corn drying on a shelf above.Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2008.

4) IMG_4060.jpg
Goats in a shed in Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2008.

5) Ebekawopa11.jpg
High-rise for a chicken
Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2011

6) Bafia15.jpg
Pig in a pen.
Bafia, Cameroon, 2012

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