Sunday, October 3, 2010

Zereguhe (7)

These pictures are the property of Tom Neuhaus. You may use each as displayed on this site for free; please attribute the source (Tom Neuhaus, Project Hope and Fairness). For higher resolution, you can purchase the original for $5. To do this, visit and click the Donate button. Donate $5 per picture and then email me ( what pictures you want and I will send them back to you. Thank you in advance for donating cocoa farming tools to West African cocoa farmers by purchasing a picture.

Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from , Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit Splash Cafe. Splash Cafe and its sister business, Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and make the trips possible.


1) Zereguhe04_Rachelle.jpg
Zereguhe, Cote d'Ivoire, 2006.

2) P8200494.jpg
Celebrating donations from PH&F. The young woman who is dancing uses a skin bleach to lighten her skin. Zereguhe, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007.

3) P8200506.jpg
Our car draws curious children. Zereguhe, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007.

4) P8200514.jpg
Celebrating donations in Zereguhe, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007. Evariste is pouring palm wine. Photo by Stan Thompson.

5) Zereguhe01_PresJeunes.jpg
President of the youth.
Zereguhe, Côte d'Ivoire, 2010.

6) Zereguhe02_Chef.jpg
Chief of Zereguhe.
Zereguhe, Côte d'Ivoire 2010.

7) Zereguhe04_PresFemmes.jpg
President of the women.
Zereguhe, Côte d'Ivoire, 2010.

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